Nekrolog for year 2001
Dying Day | Name | Age | Visitors |
27.12. | Katze Harvey | 12 | 9.385 |
20.12. | Katze Maxi | - | 7.580 |
14.12. | Wellensittich Putzi | 6 | 9.232 |
10.12. | Hund Trixi | 5 | 11.109 |
07.12. | Hund,Katzen Bonny,Moritz,Puschel | 11 | 21.243 |
Dying Day | Name | Age | Visitors |
30.11. | Hund Avalon | 7 | 9.654 |
13.11. | Katze Mieze | 16 | 8.578 |
Dying Day | Name | Age | Visitors |
10.10. | Katze Leo | 16 | 8.486 |
01.10. | Hund Daisy | 9 | 11.951 |
Dying Day | Name | Age | Visitors |
29.09. | Katze Luna | 11 | 9.025 |
26.09. | Katzen Bonnie und Clydie | 1 | |
04.09. | Vogel Mowgly | 17 | 11.374 |
01.09. | Katze Mucki,Stupsi | 11 | 16.094 |
Dying Day | Name | Age | Visitors |
14.08. | Katzen Miezi, Carlo, Bijou, Maya ... | 30 | |
05.08. | Hund Nero | 11 | 12.329 |
Dying Day | Name | Age | Visitors |
01.07. | Hund PENNY | 12 | 12.313 |
Dying Day | Name | Age | Visitors |
30.06. | Katze Carlo | 3 | 15.592 |
20.06. | Katze Minkel | 17 | 10.319 |
14.06. | Pferd Diana | 20 | 9.718 |
Dying Day | Name | Age | Visitors |
15.05. | Pferd Sparkler | 20 | 10.853 |
Dying Day | Name | Age | Visitors |
28.04. | Hund Purzel | 9 | 14.161 |
25.04. | Katze Atzel | 17 | 16.250 |
19.04. | Hund Bolko | 14 | 15.053 |
08.04. | Hund Trixi | 10 | 23.283 |
07.04. | Hund Paulchen | 9 | 11.624 |
Dying Day | Name | Age | Visitors |
12.03. | Pferd Partner | 23 | 10.559 |
07.03. | Reptilie tornado | 3 | 8.748 |
05.03. | Hund Aline | 10 | 11.420 |
04.03. | Hund Susi | 11 | 19.783 |
Dying Day | Name | Age | Visitors |
14.02. | Hund Chicco | - | 11.000 |
07.02. | Hund Bonny | 16 | 13.420 |
Dying Day | Name | Age | Visitors |
17.01. | Hund Daisy | 14 | 7.543 |
08.01. | Vogel Pitti | 4 | 11.510 |
06.01. | Kleintier Schneefloeckchen | 9 | 14.139 |
04.01. | Katze Sternchen | 1 | 12.575 |
This is a list of deceased pets in the selected year from the Online Pet Cemetery
The entries are in alphabetical order within each date.
The entries are in alphabetical order within each date.
The online pet cemetery in the internet, Grief Online
memorial visitors,
lit memorial candles