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Tammy, Katze
Date of birth 11.05.1997
Died on 01.06.2011

240.595 190.207 1.706

Ronja , Hund
Date of birth 10.03.1996
Died on 28.10.2008

215.058 195.375 52

Teddy S, Hund
Date of birth 07.04.1990
Died on 28.04.2006

214.580 249.154 3.836

Peterle, Flecki, Polly und Dobby, Meerschweinchen
Date of birth 09.06.2004
Died on 19.02.2006

209.167 99.630 22.711

tiger 1, Hund
Date of birth 13.03.1997
Died on 29.06.2009

200.090 249.421 3.809

Teddy S, Hund
Date of birth 08.10.2005
Died on 15.09.2015

199.396 249.351 3.182

Harri and Muckelsche, In Loving Memorie
Date of birth 14.12.2009
Died on 07.07.2012

190.242 185.851 31.730

Tilli, Katze
Date of birth 03.04.1982
Died on 29.08.2006

180.099 117.388 8.451

Chico Luis Rocky Gina meine Engel🐶❤😭🦴, Hund
Date of birth 25.06.2008
Died on 01.07.2013

156.559 116.896 6.444

Bazi , Hund
Date of birth 13.03.1997
Died on 25.07.2012

144.070 95.101 7.666

Flecki, Meerschweinchendame, Kleintier
Date of birth 05.11.2002
Died on 12.10.2008

135.895 62.489 14.488

Sammy (Dieter), Katze
Date of birth 07.07.1997
Died on 01.10.2016

123.308 102.777 36

Resi, Meerschweinchen
Date of birth 16.08.2005
Died on 01.08.2008

102.333 66.164 6.567

mein Hund und meine Katzen, Hund
Date of birth 00.00.0000
Died on 00.00.0000

100.078 59.088 6.110

Zenzi, Meerschweinchen
Date of birth 26.08.2005
Died on 16.11.2012

97.067 65.797 6.781

Arabella, Meerschweinchen
Date of birth 24.09.2005
Died on 20.02.2010

96.796 42.691 13.551

Bonnie und Pascha😭🐶💞🦴, Hund
Date of birth 01.08.2014
Died on 16.10.2015

96.652 76.380 2.498

Seppel, Meerschweinchen
Date of birth 10.07.2005
Died on 21.04.2008

96.145 62.274 6.380

Wastel, Meerschweinchen
Date of birth 22.07.2005
Died on 07.06.2011

95.831 63.354 5.875

Daisy❤️️ℐ 𝓁𝑜𝓋𝑒 𝓎𝑜𝓊, Meine Seelenkatze (ღ˘⌣˘)♥
Date of birth 09.05.1989
Died on 20.02.2008

85.954 29.141 3.323

Emma, Meerschweinchen
Date of birth 06.01.2006
Died on 05.08.2011

81.551 37.254 11.819

Serafina, Meerschweinchen
Date of birth 01.02.2007
Died on 30.11.2011

81.220 35.156 11.785

Aisha, Katze
Date of birth 19.10.1996
Died on 26.07.2014

78.099 65.011 20

Pelle & Rosty Nielsen-Enders, Hund
Date of birth 05.07.1971
Died on 12.09.1987

71.387 42.303 2.188

Fritzi, Meerschweinchen
Date of birth 10.03.2007
Died on 17.12.2012

66.696 30.714 10.612

Mikel 𝒲𝑒 𝓁𝑜𝓋𝑒 𝓎𝑜𝓊✿ღ, Kater❤️️
Date of birth 31.08.1988
Died on 29.02.2004

65.746 22.935 1.854

Garfield , Katze
Date of birth 07.10.2007
Died on 07.07.2018

65.718 50.635 1.784

Jonny, Meerschweinchen
Date of birth 08.12.2009
Died on 03.07.2013

63.148 30.259 10.582

JOURNEY 𝓦𝓮 𝓵𝓸𝓿𝓮 𝔂𝓸𝓾❦, Katze❤️️
Date of birth 01.10.1998
Died on 02.10.2010

61.525 21.245 1.441

Fred, Meerschweinchen
Date of birth 15.03.2008
Died on 08.10.2013

57.146 27.651 10.364

Mama Mara💗,Angelo💗 und Alice 💗, Zebrafinken
Date of birth 10.06.2003
Died on 07.06.2010

56.090 23.312 2.191

Florentina mein kleines Hexchen, Meerschweinchen
Date of birth 22.12.2011
Died on 09.05.2014

53.278 26.641 9.419

Paulchen,Susi,Joseph & Freunde, Katze
Date of birth 01.08.2003
Died on 17.10.2004

52.342 31.358 690

Bubi,Prinz,Bamse,Lastro, Strolchi & Freunde, Hund
Date of birth 07.10.1987
Died on 07.02.2000

51.569 30.648 638

Tiere 🐾🐾, 🐾🐾 Namenlose
Date of birth 01.05.2024
Died on 01.05.2024

49.560 29.551 2.520

💖Heather,💖 Hannah,💖 Joy 💖, Meerschweinchen
Date of birth 02.01.2007
Died on 22.07.2010

48.682 20.643 1.572

Mauz, Katze
Date of birth 04.04.2012
Died on 21.01.2013

48.152 29.322 2.033

im Regenbogenland🐾, 🐾 Meine Sterne
Date of birth 01.05.2024
Died on 01.05.2024

46.635 32.731 1.524

Timmy, Hund
Date of birth 06.12.2001
Died on 25.11.2017

45.231 31.389 1.078

Cora, Hund
Date of birth 01.12.2006
Died on 15.06.2015

44.947 30.669 1.064

FAY 💖 und Hope 💖, Meerschweinchen
Date of birth 04.05.2005
Died on 02.07.2011

44.820 17.975 1.155

💖ENGEL💖, Meerschweinchen
Date of birth 30.04.2008
Died on 30.07.2011

44.225 17.876 1.403

Calimero mein kleiner Zwerglein, Meerschweinchen
Date of birth 05.09.2013
Died on 25.09.2015

43.467 20.129 9.692

Bazie, Katze
Date of birth 15.09.1991
Died on 23.05.2006

43.384 29.083 1.717

Otto,Peter,Susi,Clausi,Prinz & Freunde, Vogel
Date of birth 02.07.1976
Died on 22.07.1984

42.973 26.433 658

Henry, Meerschweinchen
Date of birth 16.04.2014
Died on 21.12.2020

42.921 30.010 3.197

Willi & Freunde, Hamster
Date of birth 01.05.1987
Died on 04.07.1989

42.738 27.149 1.549

Josie und Leon , Katze
Date of birth 15.05.1994
Died on 07.12.2010

42.192 27.826 1.740

Pino, Kater
Date of birth 01.05.1996
Died on 01.07.2009

42.153 23.699 697

Hope, meine kleine Omi , Meerschweinchen
Date of birth 03.08.2008
Died on 10.02.2016

40.844 19.552 8.140

Valentina , Meerschweinchen
Date of birth 23.06.2011
Died on 26.01.2016

40.489 18.893 8.228

Lora,Timo, Jacko Dittgen & Freunde, GrauPapageien
Date of birth 07.05.1970
Died on 27.06.1973

39.735 25.496 369

🐻Braunbaer🐻 🌲 BENE 🦊🦔🍄,
Date of birth 00.00.1985
Died on 25.05.2012

39.624 17.282 821

Wir SUCHEN EUCH!, Josephine, Lora & Toddy
Date of birth 22.07.1988
Died on 04.07.1991

39.060 28.164 277

Stromer, Katze
Date of birth 04.05.2014
Died on 18.02.2019

38.784 23.361 1.294

Sissi, Meerschweinchen
Date of birth 17.06.2012
Died on 13.11.2016

37.743 16.348 6.993

Fe´en Peter Nielsen-Enders, Kater
Date of birth 07.10.1998
Died on 17.12.2014

37.711 25.737 966

Omi und Pommes, Katzen
Date of birth 01.10.2003
Died on 16.10.2013

37.558 24.355 2.194

Igel,Hasen,Rehe,Füchse,Vögel & Tiere auf der, Regenbogenland
Date of birth 08.07.2011
Died on 08.07.2011

37.261 24.209 278

Nelly, Meerschweinchen
Date of birth 10.04.2012
Died on 27.07.2017

35.651 14.717 6.044

Charly, Kater
Date of birth 31.05.2006
Died on 08.03.2012

34.582 23.974 701

💖Jill💖, Meerlidame
Date of birth 02.01.2007
Died on 16.08.2013

34.280 15.169 1.246

Maxi, Kater
Date of birth 04.11.1992
Died on 12.11.2014

34.052 26.858 2.423

💖ALEJANDRO 💖, 🐹Meerschweinchen
Date of birth 28.07.2009
Died on 10.05.2014

33.684 12.739 955

💖Camilla💖 Carlos💖 Carlotta💖, Meerschweinchenfamilie Gwendolyna und ihre Kinder
Date of birth 17.07.2013
Died on 10.02.2019

33.287 13.805 836

Killa, Kater
Date of birth 01.04.2008
Died on 05.09.2011

32.828 21.778 593

Silvester 2019/2020, Brandopfer Zoo Krefeld 🌈
Date of birth 01.05.1971
Died on 01.01.2020

32.819 12.521 2.055

Cash und Johnny, Kater
Date of birth 01.05.2012
Died on 17.07.2014

32.114 23.700 507

Chicco,Ozzi & Freunde IHR Seid ALLE Unvergessen, Papagei
Date of birth 28.02.2012
Died on 24.12.2012

32.010 21.208 230

Kati, Katze
Date of birth 10.06.1999
Died on 14.12.2015

30.805 21.686 2.401

Lilly, Katze
Date of birth 01.08.1996
Died on 27.08.2015

30.636 22.915 2.545

BIENCHEN 💗, Kanarienvogel
Date of birth 07.10.2006
Died on 02.03.2010

30.095 13.324 642

Willy, Kater
Date of birth 08.03.2012
Died on 15.02.2014

29.814 21.913 504

Date of birth 02.06.1965
Died on 02.06.1974

28.919 17.605 421

Granny , Katze
Date of birth 01.01.1995
Died on 20.02.2008

27.500 20.083 306

💖 Rosalie 💖 Ronja 💖 Robinia 💖, Meerschweinchengeschwister
Date of birth 20.10.2011
Died on 06.07.2016

26.857 11.138 756

Zoe und Hermine unforgettable..., ❤️️Meerlis❤️️
Date of birth 08.04.2011
Died on 20.05.2016

26.431 10.726 682

Sophia 💗 Kira 💗 Rosina ❤️⭐️, Kanarienvögel 🐥Die Geschwister
Date of birth 04.03.2010
Died on 10.05.2015

25.846 11.720 616

Lilly , Katze
Date of birth 01.09.2012
Died on 16.11.2013

25.773 17.681 237

Lucia 💗 und Marcello 💗, Zebrafinken
Date of birth 12.06.2010
Died on 05.08.2015

24.065 11.171 610

Flecki, Katze
Date of birth 10.05.2006
Died on 10.05.2013

23.958 11.317 289

💖 KeLLy 💖, Meerschweinchen
Date of birth 30.04.2008
Died on 27.07.2015

23.684 10.124 629

Date of birth 08.05.2006
Died on 05.12.2017

23.552 13.228 1.298

Tinka, Katze
Date of birth 11.08.2014
Died on 11.08.2014

23.246 15.653 195

Cetric und alle meine Engelchen, Katze
Date of birth 00.00.0000
Died on 00.00.0000

22.147 42.220 503

Kasimir, Kater
Date of birth 01.07.2004
Died on 01.03.2016

21.903 15.693 440

Sam, Hund
Date of birth 21.05.1976
Died on 30.07.1988

21.287 7.772 1.440

Horsti, Kater
Date of birth 01.01.2002
Died on 23.06.2015

21.091 15.577 208

Andy, Hund
Date of birth 18.08.1998
Died on 14.09.2008

20.761 7.266 3.655

Sibel, Katze
Date of birth 10.04.2018
Died on 17.12.2018

20.636 12.163 913

Zucchero💝, 💝Zebrafink💝
Date of birth 08.08.2015
Died on 26.11.2016

20.538 8.757 372

Hanni, Meerschweinchen
Date of birth 05.06.2015
Died on 01.06.2020

20.438 8.645 3.697

Date of birth 14.03.2017
Died on 14.03.2017

20.208 11.212 94

Daisy, Hund
Date of birth 28.06.1991
Died on 14.11.2007

20.072 9.385 250

Jacko, Graupapagei
Date of birth 01.01.1974
Died on 26.09.2012

19.133 6.957 788

Schnucki, Kleintier
Date of birth 01.03.2007
Died on 01.06.2013

18.272 8.222 281

Carlo, Kater
Date of birth 26.04.1985
Died on 01.01.2002

17.777 7.058 813

Amelie, Kleintier
Date of birth 18.09.2007
Died on 17.06.2012

17.591 7.852 233

Hannes, Kater
Date of birth 15.06.1995
Died on 17.10.2002

17.585 7.168 771

Tom, Kater
Date of birth 29.01.1998
Died on 29.08.2012

17.494 6.763 769

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